Having a web video embedded into your website helps your business maximise sales whilst holding costs down.
Web video is a vital component of internet marketing and provides consumers with a greater level of engagement with your business website.
Internet video tracking can help increase ROI by discovering how effective your video was at:
•Engaging visitor attention. Did they watch the whole, most or some of your web video?
•Prompting to action. After watching your video, what did they do next? Did they check out other pages on your site or complete a sale?
By tracking your web video daily viewing trends are highlighted and you discover what appealed to your audience. By utilising several calls to action during your web video, such as, sign up for regular email updates now, fill out this form for our product/ service newsletter now or, even, to buy this product click here, you will quickly learn what stimulates interest with potential clients and can adjust your marketing strategies to best meet those requirements.
Web video is a fantastic medium to provide a high impact method of promoting your business by informing, educating and explaining your products and services.
Web Video Production Company, VideoTile, is the leading light in New Media production in the UK today. Their cost effective six step programme to creating your website video incorporating rich-media content could be closer than you think:
•Concept: Discussions on the aims, features and requirements of your web video, as well as, the desired style of video and your target audience.
•Talent Selection: We advise, dependent on the look and style you envisage for your web video, which of our presenters would best suit your needs or perhaps you have a wannabe star within your own company that you wish to be the “face” of your business.
•Scripting: Our team of professional scriptwriters know how vitally important it is to provide an entertaining and effective message to maximise the impact of your business message but are happy to work alongside a script you have crafted and offer ideas, where and if needed.
•Recording: Carried out at our specially equipped studio, the recording is handled by our experienced new media crew using techniques that maximise technical quality but minimise file size.
•Editing: By digital manipulation, a great deal of visual creativity is added to the raw video to present a polished, crisp, clean composition.
•Delivery: Now your web video is ready to be incorporated onto your business website.
VideoTile can supply your business with a web video production that will arrest viewer attention and generate a demand for your products with an innovative use of interaction and a powerful use of start of the art visual and audio aids to increase the conversion rate of an audience. So what are you waiting for?
Lights Camera Action!
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